Thursday, March 3, 2011

Peace in the Wild Things

 There exists in me a small craving for the wild. Not in the evolutionary sense, rather in a primitive sense. It seems we grieve most when the structures in our lives that are made by human hands collapse. I found myself in the thick of woods at Stevens Creek near Gestville, KY. The recent rains have surged water through this ancient creek, and the falls and small rapids seem to bring a peace. Some find a level of comfort in man-made ponds and manicured lawns, yet I find a bit of restoration in wild creeks, woods, and animals.

I reflected on a poem by fellow Henry Countian Wendell Berry, entitled The Peace of Wild Things. It is good to reflect and think far from man-made structures, distant from traffic noises, apart from the daily grind. It is here, in the wild, I am drawn to my Creator through Christ. In His beautiful craftsmanship undisturbed by human interaction I find comfort and feel life inside of me.

God is an artisan, the Artisan. Who can carve out mountains and tell the oceans to stop at the banks? It seems when we creatures attempt the same, to tame the wild, our efforts fail. Yet, when we find peace in the wild things, and let this untamed Lion tame us, we are at rest. We find peace in Him. Go away for a few hours, find a stream or a lake, soak in the wildness of things, reflect on the majesty of our God, and find peace.

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