Monday, May 2, 2011

Eastern Garter Snake

 If the black widow article did not creep you out enough, here are some photos of an Eastern Garter Snake I found moving around the yard while I was doing some landscaping. Whenever I see a snake, even this harmless non-venomous species, I recall that serpents pose a universal fear that spans human history and cultures. There is good reason, for the snake is a symbol that serves as a constant reminder of the fall. The very real snake in the Garden of Eden, abused by the crafty devil, deceived the very creatures charged with dominion over the animals. This animal is cursed to crawl on its belly and eat dust, giving humans that primal fear that dates back to the fall and immediate explanation of the curse of disobedience to our Creator. This serpent told us we would not die, just simply gain wisdom and be like God. We are now cursed with death and complete corruption of our entire makeup. The totality of our depravity as humans needs little further investigation than the 11 o'clock news, and, thus the depths of our souls shutter at the mere image of a snake. We are cursed to death.

The magnificent grace of our Creator follows that immediate reminder of our common, primal fear. The serpent's head will be crushed by a bruised heel of the offspring of the first woman, Eve. Jesus not only crushes the snake's head, but is the second Adam that is victorious in His sinlessness and triumphant over death. Snakes are a symbol of a tragedy we humans brought upon ourselves declaring rebellion against God. Snakes also pose as a reminder of the coming end to the reign of evil and death. The victory has been won, and we who have our faith in Christ need not fear snakes.

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