Friday, January 18, 2013

A Walk in the Woods after a Fresh Snow

There is a deep sense of untainted wilderness
                                                    when walking in the woods after a fresh snow.
Barren boughs stretch to the heavens,
                                         which answers with an affable yet penetrating breeze.

Limbs oppressed by mounting snow burden 
                        evergreens to gracefully bow.
The snow drifts are like a Winter amphitheater for the distant chatter of birds Autumn
                                                  has left behind.

Hedge branches pervade a pristine 
outstretched as if to greet me.
A secluded hollow summons my 
soul to rest within her soft, 
                              snowy embrace.

A resting pause, a calm invitation, a moment’s portion 
                                                              is my only payment –
for I must endure through this snow-banked trail 
                                               to gently touch its supernal end.

Where the eastward breeze shall lose her bite, 
                                              snow surrenders into tiny droplets.
Then Winter's ethereal beauty shades Spring no longer, 
                                                        hope will birth Dawn eternal.